Dokoupil malt ohne Pinsel. Vielmehr bedient er sich Hilfsmitteln wie Kerzen, Seifenblasen und Farbsprays.
Bis zum 23. Mai 2010 in der Prague Castle Riding School. Prädikat: Sehenswert! Sehensmuss!
Soap bubble paintings
"I faced the following problem with the 'soap bubble paintings': How to impress a bubble made of soap suda and ink onto a grounded canvas? Mixing the soap suds and the ink is not difficult. Neither is it a big deal to make a bubble from this. But to find the right grounding, or landing pad for the descending bubbles, now that seemed impossible at first. For months I tried out all kind of canvases and grounding. The banal problem became a nightmare. I could not sleep. The bubbles completely exhausted me. But one day I came up with a brilliant idea - to ask an expert in a paint shop, and needless to say, it worked. These pictures are symphonies in color conducted by me and fate."
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Candle paintings
Moving paintings
"I transfer all individual images (including opening and closing credits) which, during a film are projected in succession at high speed (often 24 images per second), onto the canvas in the same sequences, either horizontally or vertically. The size of the work thus depends on the length of the film or the predetermindes stages of the fast forward and the selected mass of individual images."
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